Second Quarter Art Classes at SMS

Here at the Middle School...

Art is offered everyday for a quarter.  The art classes are the first two hours in the morning. The three homeroom classes have been separated into two groups. 7A and 5B have art 2nd quarter.

Second hour is 7th grade and the class time is 8:10 to 8:55 am. Students are required by the district to wear their name tag and have their agenda. Please check the 7th Grade Syllabus for projects that the classes is working on.

Third hour is 5th grade and the class time is 8:58 to 9:43 am. Please check the 5th Grade Syllabus for projects that the classes is working on.

The students are required to complete the projects assigned before the end of the quarter. Second quarter is October 16 - December 21. The projects are graded when completed. There is no late work in art. All work is to be turned in for grading by December 21. The students are told to use their time wisely in class. Work can be handed in when the work is completed. Students are aware of the work they have not completed by checking the notebook found in the classroom.

Projects are graded in a timely manner and grades can be viewed on Skyward.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

[email protected] or 618-632-7434 ext. 120/302